Advanced Bakery Services
Preventative Maintenance Program


Advanced Bakery Services is a full service company. We make every effort to provide prompt, excellent service on a daily basis, but we also like to help our customers keep one step ahead by offering a tailor-made Preventative Maintenance (PM) Program. Our PM programs can be individually designed to fit within the allotted budget and equipment maintenance needs of businesses of all sizes.

Most companies are open 7 days a week. Naturally, that allows for considerable ongoing usage of equipment. The PM program as described would entail performing a detailed preventative maintenance on your equipment, which would dramatically decrease equipment down time and afford you an overall cost savings.

Procedurally, on the requested date we would make an appointment to service your operation. To be proactive, our service technician would inquire if you were experiencing any additional service-related problems. If so, he would be able to then incorporate the repair of those problems into the PM inspection. This would identify and correct any problems prior to experiencing any mechanical failure/down time.

Any additional parts and/or repairs required beyond this inspection would be considered extra and would be priced accordingly. There is no travel-time charge for PM's under this program.

Taking into consideration all of the aforementioned factors, the savings you would experience over a years' period of time would pay for the greater part of the inspection, if not all of it, not to mention the loss of profit due to preventable down time.

Follow this link to see a checklist we use on a few selected pieces of equipment. This will give you an idea of how thorough our program is.

Please feel free to contact us for further information on our Preventative Maintenance Program.